Midwives of Medstar

Employer's Perspective:
Our midwifery team has consistently demonstrated professional and political support for breastfeeding. Midwives of Medstar led the way for our department with lactation education and breastfeeding support, prompting Medstar Washington Hospital Center's journey (currently in progress) to becoming a Baby-Friendly Hospital. Our midwives have exceptional lactation skills and established a new standard for our department in the expected level of professional competence in breastfeeding skills for all providers. Our team incorporates breastfeeding education and skill-building from the first visit, continuing throughout the prenatal course. To ensure success in the initial period after delivery, our team routinely practices delayed cord clamping and immediate uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact. We also decided to increase the frequency of our rounds with patients after delivery, from the standard once in 24 hours to a minimum of three times in 24 hours. We also routinely see mothers at either week one or two, rather than waiting for six weeks, to assess breastfeeding. Our approach not only focuses on the benefits of human milk for the well-being of both women and their infants, but also one that supports the transition to motherhood.

Employee's Reaction:

P.O. Box 29214, Washington, DC 20017 • Tel 202-470-2732 • email info@dcbfc.org

Medical Disclaimer: The information presented here is not intended to diagnose health problems, breastfeeding problems, or to take the place of professional medical care. If you have persistent breastfeeding problems, or if you have further questions, please consult your health care provider. The DC Breastfeeding Coalition does not share partnership with, or have any vested interest in, any of the businesses that may appear on this site, or sites that may be accessible by links herein contained.